As a Financial Contributor to My Neighbor...


Your support will help us reach out every day, get through financially lean times and manage financial peaks and valleys so that we can CONSISTENTLY bring hope and resources to those in need.

You will have the satisfaction of knowing that with your contribution you are impacting and changing the lives of “YOUR NEIGHBOR” and investing in people in OUR community.

Please consider helping "your" neighbor with their emergency/crisis needs and help restore broken and struggling families and individuals in your community.


Many THANKS to our donors and supporters for their continued generosity for the My Neighbor Program.


St Thomas More Catholic Church

First Lutheran Church

Ascension Lutheran Church

Faith Reformed Church
  Mt Calvary Lutheran Church
  Sinai Lutheran Church
Brookings First Assembly of God

Other Church Affiliated Support

FLC Golden Age

Mt Calvary Lutheran Ladies Aid

First Lutheran Church- Women's Group


Lake Campbell Lutheran Church- Women's Group Cookie walk



Foundation & Local Grants

Brookings United Way                                                         3M

Communmity Groups/Other




Networking Partner with the Brookings Foundation



In-Kind Support

First Lutheran Church- Payroll Services & Quarterly Tax Reports

How to Make an Impact!

* To Donate or Volunteer your talents contact the MY NEIGHBOR program.

* Are you interested in helping with a FUNDRAISER? We have ALL THE DETAILS DOCUMENTED!  Just need a Volunteer or Volunteer Group to take the ball and

RUN with it!!!!

* Your tax-exempt donation will stay in the Brookings Community.

* My Neighbor is a faith-based community outreach program with 501(c)3 non-profit standing

Contact Us

*For People that LIVE & WORK  in Brookings

Remote Office

Mailing Address:


Brookings, SD 57006

Phone: +1 605 6913225 +1 605 6913225


* It is HIGHLY recommended that you complete the ONLINE request form, as this will contain a Release Authorization that needs to be in place to proceed. Otherwise a paper copy can be mailed to you... it will just take longer.


It is important to leave a message and if you have breaks during your work day please state when those are and every attempt will be made to connect with you  when you are available.


The Process...

Our Missions is to help  our commuity members who are hard working and other wise self sufficient, but are in crisis and budget difficulty when their paycheck is not enough.

Each person or family who requests help from MY NEIGHBOR  starts with an INITIAL PRE-ASSESSMENT to determine the most efficient and effective way to help you in your crisis.


If it is determined that the My Neighbor program is a able to financially assist, the Requester goes through an in-depth assessment process to determine a plan of action with LONG-TERM SOLUTIONS.



Informational poster for the donor and those in need of service
My Neighbor info poster.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]
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